( Having classes , workshops , exhibitions,etc)
also Working as a ceramist
Practiced as an Art Therapist, gave children and adults' consultations.
Worked as a freelance drawing and watercolor painting instructor.
2009 - 2011
Took an active part in the xalaia project (management, artworks, workshop planning...).
Alaias are ancient minimal wooden surfboards that the Hawaians used to ride centuries ago. Extremely advanced and efficient in terms of hydrodynamics, riding them offers an incredible experience. Xalaia is an attempt to create a sustainable production cycle from afforestation to manufacturing, and to raise environmental awareness, organizing various workshops and lectures. The boards are handmade, 100% environmentally correct, and very long lasting. They are distributed in Kanagawa, Japan, and Brittany, France.
(Clic on images to zoom up)
2004 - 2011
Interior and Product Design instructor at I.D.A. (International Design Academy)in Okinawa, Japan.
Initiated and coordinated various sustainable design projects such as new rubbish collecting systems for the city of Naha in Okinawa, and MNAM an Okinawan Art festival dedicated to raise environmental consciousness.
Started to practice as an Art therapist (2010).
Beside managing and creating for ixi, started designing, realizing and distributing original ceramic pieces.
Worked as a drawing and painting instructor at the Naha Institute of Art.
January 2000 - August 2000
Stayed at the Artist residence Villa Kujoyama of Kyoto to conduct a Design research project granted by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ifjk. Investigated the impact of western cultures on modern Japanese society (Life-styles, interior, graphic expression…). Created a collection of experimental Design pieces, "Homewear" wearable furniture, exhibited in various countries.
1999 and forth...
Co-founded ixi with Xavier Moulin. ixi is a Design unit where experimental Design group projects were conducted mainly for Art museums and Galleries in various countries such as the Vitra design Museum, the Tokyo Opera city Gallery and the Hangaram Art museum in Seoul.
We designed, produced and distributed original products (Sold by the select shop IDEE Tokyo and over the internet). We also realized projects for the French Ministry of Culture including graphic Design of the book collection "Design &", and a proposal landscape Design for the World Heritage site "Pont du Gard", Roman Aqueduct in southern France.
(Clic on images to zoom up)
1996 - 1999
Worked for Terry Dwan and Antonio Citterio (Architecture and Design company) in Milan, Italy, as an Interior and Product Designer.
Was also in charge of the selection, importation and corporate Design adaptation of Japanese shiatsu massage accessories for the company Fiorucci Body Care.
1994 - 1996
Worked for Aldo Cibic
in Milan, Italy (Architecture and Design company, co-founder of the
Memphis Design movement) as an Interior and Product Designer.
1993 - 1994
Conducted a survey into the Italian Art market for the Japanese firm : "Nippon Express".
1991 - 1993
Worked as an Interior Designer for "Tack Creative Design Office"in Tokyo, subsidiary of Takashimaya Group for Research and Development.